Building a house can be an exciting but stressful event in ones life. David and I have always been very good at communicating with each other but we are having to adjust our method of communicating slightly because we each have different focuses with the new house. He is all about structure and pipes and wires and I am about color, texture and form. So to demonstrate the evolution of our communcation and why my husband is hysterical... here are two conversations we have had....
Me: I have picked out the colors for the master area, I think it looks really great with the tile and the new rug we got in San Francisco.
Dave: Uh Huh
Me: I am a little concerned about what to paint the main part of the house because it has to transition into the bedrooms upstairs because of the open floor plan.
Dave: I am sure you will find the perfect color
Me: Well, I was looking at this one but I don't want to get too much of a cave feel to... (he cuts me off)
Dave: I appreciate you telling me all this, but I really don't care. I know I like your tastes and whatever you pick will be good. I can't help you on this. Maybe you can ask your mom or get with Tracy and see what he thinks.
End of discussion 1
A few days later -
Dave: I was talking to WicksonCreek about the water line and the guy was saying we just need a 3/4 ths inch pipe from the street but I don't think that will keep water pressure to a level for that size house. I mean if you know about physics then the farther an object has to travel it looses momentum so if you are going 250 feet (my eyes have glazed over) then you have (insert random number here) psi at the source then you only have (smaller random number here) at the destination in a 3/4ths inch pipe but if you go... (I cut him off)
Me: Honey, I have one question....... What color do you want the living room painted?
Dave: 1 inch.
See... We are communicating!