The bath is two mirror images of cabinet, sink, & Potty room. They have to share the shower (not at the same time). This cabinet stain is called "black washing". I went very "manly" in this room so the boys did not have to suffer from the neutral tones in the rest of the house.
Okay the main room of the house is kinda furnishings barren but I am working on it. YES - There is a fireman's pole. The kids love it and truth be told, most adults love it. Those who aren't too chicken to go down it.
The top deck is the kids "study" The arch area under that is my office and the doorway bottom center is to my bedroom.
I would show you a picture of the pantry but I think I have had enough friends post pictures of their pantries. I have a Microwave DRAWER. I love it. I have that big shiney thing in the brick arch that I have been told you can cook more than box macaroni and cheese on it. I will have to try that some time.